Shopper insights

See where your customers have been and where they are going.

An interactive tool to uncover what your customers bought on early orders and predict what they may purchase next.

Product journey is an interactive tool to uncover what your customers bought on their early orders and predict what they may purchase next.

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Lifecycle journey

Improve customer retention

Segments help you focus on customer retention using Lifecycle Journey. We’ve prepared 12 lifecycle segments for you so you can target the right customers with the right messages.

Purchase Timing Reports take the guesswork out of email marketing campaigns and flows.

Catch the timing

Purchase timing reports take the guesswork out of email marketing campaigns and flows. Leverage historical data to target customers when they are most active & likely to purchase again or as they are about to churn & disappear. Identify the best times to upsell products or add urgency to marketing messages.

Identify the path

Product Journey is an interactive tool to uncover what your customers bought on their early orders and predict what they may purchase next.

Identify cross-sell opportunities for any of your products through Product Relations. Run filters across your customer segments to see which product combination appeals to specific segments for even more targeted marketing.

Average time between purchases

Catch the timing

Purchase Timing Reports take the guesswork out of email marketing campaigns and flows. Leverage historical data to target customers when they are most active & likely to purchase again or as they are about to churn & disappear. Identify the best times to upsell products or add urgency to marketing messages.

Measure together

Customer Cohorts assembles similar or new customers into easy-to-monitor groups.  Follow from their first purchase to Month 12. Review 30/60/90/180 day revenue and identify 1st order drop-off rate.

Learn to understand diverse purchasing behavior within groups or pivot segments across cohorts to hone in on High Spenders.

Cohort Analysis