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The ultimate tool for brands looking to segment and analyze their customer.
Auto-sync up to 50,000 records
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Most popular
For brands scaling their marketing efforts with product insights and audience retargeting.
Auto-sync up to 150,000 records
Cancel anytime. No commitments.
For established brands looking to gain a data edge working directly with data scientists.
Unlimited export and sync
Custom plan
Trusted by 1,000+ leading Shopify brands
Data insights unveiled before your eyes with a 14-day free trial.
No obligations. No commitments. Just great insights.
Case studies
Learn from our favorite brands who leveraged data insights to take their growth to the next level.
No coding or developer required
Our system processes your store's data to prepare comprehensive insights, no coding required.
Access customer insights and start optimizing your marketing with your 14-day free trial. Schedule an onboarding call with our specialists to get started.
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